HSE University Enters THE Top 100 in Economics and Appears in Law Ranking for the First Time
HSE took 94th place in THE ranking in Business & Economics, outperforming all the other Russian universities in this subject. In addition, the university entered the ranking in Law for the first time (151+ cohort), becoming the only Russian university represented there. HSE University ranked in the 151-175 group in Social Sciences, also due to the HSE ISSEK publication activity, holding first place ranking among Russian universities.

HSE Presents 6th Russian Regional Innovation Development Ranking
Moscow, Tatarstan and St. Petersburg are the leaders of the new ranking. Based on 53 indicators, the ranking can be used by regional governments to develop and optimize their innovation policy. The ranking presentation was held on October 31 at a press conference hosted by the TASS news agency.
How to Manage the Transitions
On September, 17 Derk Loorbach, Director of the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT), Professor of the Faculty of Social Science, Erasmus University Rotterdam, gave a lecture on the topic ‘Sustainability Transitions: New Governance and Action Research’ within the framework of the Dutch Science Talks project at Higher School of Economics. The lecture introduced the field of sustainability transition research and gave an outline of the approaches towards managing this transition.

HSE Relaunches Webinar Series ‘Megacities of the Future 2:0. New Challenges’
HSE University is pleased to announce the relaunch of its popular webinar series, Megacities of the future 2:0. New Challenges. The series focuses on issuesof modern urban development and is team taught by HSE University professors and lecturers from different faculties. The webinars consider urban developmental issues through the lenses of a range of fields, including Arts and Design, Computer Science, Electronics, Mathematics and Communication Systems, Economics and Management, Urban Studies, and Russian Studies.
Foresight and STI Governance no 3, 2019
The current issue of the Foresight and STI Governance journal is dedicated to the study of theoretical aspects and practical applications of the international innovation policy, assessing the innovatory potential of Russia’s cities and regions.
Mobile App 'HSE Analytics: Innovation & Digital' Is Now Available
An application for viewing express information releases by the HSE Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge is now available in the App Store, which allows to have a quick and convenient look at indicators and development trends in science, technology, innovation, education, and digital economy.
‘I’m Looking Forward to My Time Here’
Dr. Sabyasachi Tripathi, from Kolkata, India, is a new research fellow at HSE University. He will be working at the Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
How Digital Technologies Affect the Quality of Life
HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presents the indicators of Russians’ ‘digital well-being’, measured with the use of the OECD methodology.
Population’s Perception of Interaction with Robots
HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presents the results of the population survey of perception of interacting with robots.
Education in Figures: 2019
The pocket data book contains main indicators characterizing trends in the development of general, secondary vocational, higher education as well as vocational training and additional education in the Russian Federation. It also covers key education indicators for the OECD countries.