HSE’s 'Foresight and STI Governance' among Top Russian Journals in Scopus' Research and Innovation Rankings
At the beginning of June, SCImago Journal and Country Rank announced its 2015 rankings of journals indexed in the international academic citation database Scopus. Foresight and STI Governance, a journal published by the Higher School of Economics, placed 115 in the new ranking. Less than three years ago, the journal placed into the second quartile in the Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) ranking, becoming the first Russian publication to rank in this category. In addition, Foresight was among the top-ten best Russian journals in the social sciences and humanities, according to the Scopus ranking.
Vincent Carabias about April Conference
Vincent Carabias-Hutter, Head of Research in Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland) and speaker at HSE ISSEK session “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy” at the XVII April Conference, shared his impressions with an information bulletin “The HSE LOOK” about what did he liked most about the conference and also mentioned plans for collaboration with colleagues from HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre.
Many Russians Suspicious of Medical Innovations
According to a recent survey, Russians are more likely to accept flying cars, smart homes and other futuristic wonders than genetically-engineered biomedical treatments.
HSE April Conference: a structured look at Russian science’s organisation and future
On 20-22 April, 2016, in the scope of HSE’s XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) will host the “Science and Innovation” section comprising two specialised sections: “Science and Technology Foresight” and “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy”. Experts invited from leading Russian and international universities and research centres, international organisations, government agencies, companies, and development institutes will discuss cutting-edge S&T policy models and formats. Debates on a wide range of topics on priorities of and resources for intensive development of the Russian economy, compared with best international practices for promoting innovation, will create a foundation for making recommendations for the currently being designed Russian S&T Development Strategy Until 2030.
Indicators of Innovation in the Russian Federation: 2016
This data book presents the results of statistical surveys characterising innovation processes in the economy of the Russian Federation. The consolidated indicators showing the level of development of technological and non-technological innovation were produced in accordance with modern international standards of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Eurostat and show the modern tendencies.
New Book Explores Foresight in Innovation Policy and Management
Policymakers are increasingly turning to foresight techniques for guidance when addressing the wide array of problems and challenges arising in their work. A new book co-edited by Leonid Gokhberg, Dirk Meissner, and Alexander Sokolov from the HSE ISSEK, attempts to add another dimension — namely, opportunities — that can come from proper application of foresight techniques.
Renewable energy in Asia: a blend of pragmatism and optimism
On 27 April, 2016, on the eve of the international Global Energy Prize winners announcement, William Byun, managing director of Asia Renewables (Singapore) and a member of the GEP International Award Committee made a public presentation at HSE.
Global Energy and HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre: key energy technologies 2040
Winners of the international Global Energy Prize and members of the GEP International Award Committee identified key products and technologies whose development and commercialisation would facilitate intensive growth of global energy industry. That was accomplished in the course of a Foresight session with participation of HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre experts, held a day before the GEP award ceremony.
Training Research Managers: ISSEK Master’s Programme
Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation MA programme at the Institute for Statistical Studies and the Economics of Knowledge is open to anyone interested in learning how to commercialize scientific developments. First and second year students talk about their reasons for choosing the programme and their studies.
STI Priority Setting in the EU Countries and the Russian Federation: Best Practices
The paper presents an analysis of best practices in STI priority setting in the EU member states (UK, Germany, and Finland) and in the Russian Federation; compares priority systems adopted by various European countries; and identifies prospective subject areas for further development of international cooperation.