ISSEK in 2017

In this building on Myasnitskaya Street (number 11) almost 200 employees* of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge have spent 247 working days, or 1976 working hours, or 118,560 working minutes. The 2017 year was a threefold milestone: Higher School of Economics turned 25, HSE ISSEK turned 15, Foresight and STI Governance journal turned 10. Lots of challenges and achievements marked this triple anniversary.
*Some HSE ISSEK employees work in other locations at Myasnitskaya Street and Slavyanskaya Square.
Visits and Partnerships
Foresight and STI Governance journal
Data Books
International Publications
Analytical Reports (in Russian)
Methodological Guidelines (in Russian)
Information Materials (in Russian)
More significant events and publications were regularly reported on the website* (+360 news in Russian and English), on our official Facebook page (+395 posts), at YouTube (+40 videos), and in the media (more than 4,000 materials mentioning the institute and all its centres). According to the press service analytics, in terms of the increase of the number of references in the media compared with the previous year ISSEK got ahead of all other all HSE divisions.
*In 2017 the design of the website was updated, and its audience grew (+38% of new users) along with the number of views (+27%).
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